Канцелярские новости
Канцелярский Форум
1 Группа компаний «Самсон» 3144.00
2 Рельеф-Центр 1613.00
3 ХАТБЕР-М (Hatber) 1402.00
4 ФЕНИКС+ 1166.00
5 Комус ОПТ 1058.00
6 ErichKrause 896.00
7 ПК химический завод "Луч" 801.55
8 INFORMAT (АО «ФАРМ») 750.43
9 Полотняно-Заводская Бумажная Мануфактура (ПЗБМ) 720.00
10 Эксмо 667.00
11 ГК Деловой Стиль 504.00
12 ГК Канцбюро 493.00
13 MERLION 470.00
14 ДАЙМОНД Групп (MAZARI TM) 444.95
15 Сыктывкарский ЛПК (АО «СЛПК») 440.00
16 Торговый Дом "Карандаш" 435.00
17 LOMOND 435.00
18 ТАИР 419.00
19 BIC (БИК СНГ) 414.80
20 ПО "Фирма Гамма" 405.15
Все участники рейтинга компаний →
Случайное КанцФото

Компания: EXCEL INC.

Контактная информация

  • 111111, Индия, Тамилнад, г. Диндигул
    # 7/842, ″RAJ″, Sayaji Road, Navsari-396445. Gujarat, India
  • +91 2637 256316, 253316
  • www.excelindia.co.uk
  • Карточка компании в PDF

Описание компании EXCEL INC.

Quite often, Business stationery is the basic identity that you carry along with your business & brand image. We feel it very much important that right from your Business Cards to Letter Heads, Brochures & other Promotional materials, all carries handsome impression on the way of its presentation. It’s here where Excel takes the power to make the best of your business today…!!

Excel (India) Inc, carries experience of past 2 decades to meet any challenge where it matters for any printing & packaging solutions. We understand the...
time value & with all in house printing process, we have no room for any delays in this fast running business criteria today. These all is backed up with high standards of quality control & continuous R & D to offer innovative ideas for Printing & Packaging solutions.

We also have great experience in web designing as well as web development area. Where we intend to build your company, brand and product’s global identity more powerful, presentable and persuasive through our interactive – functional and strategic – creative solution that leads an excellent business results in the blisteringly competitive internet arena.
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Компания EXCEL INC. - участник отраслевых мероприятий

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